Port St. Lucie Evangelical Church of the Nazarene
The Port St. Lucie Evangelical Church is in the southern part of the city Port St. Lucie with a well visible and state of the art building located at 151 SW Kestor Dr., Port St. Lucie, Florida. It is a seeker sensitive church, where everyone is welcome in the family, where new believers are nurtured in the word, and a place where our intellect and our faith unified to better serve God with competence and excellence.
Established in 2003 we relocated to our new campus in January 2019. The church's Senior Pastor is Rev. Dr. Pascal Permis. "Our plan for the the future is to provide a wholistic ministry to the community and beyond. A ministry that brings transformational leadership and well-equipped members who can live and share their faith coherently."
Port St Lucie Location weekly schedule/ horaire de la semaine
Sunday Morning/Matin
09:00am Sunday school/Ecole Dominicale
10:00am Worship Service/ Service d’Adoration
Sunday Evening/Dimanche soir
07:00pm Evening Worship
07:00 pm Group Rehearsal
Tuesday / Mardi
7:00pm- Bible Study/Etude Biblique
Wednesday/ Mercredi
07:00pm Ladies Ministries/Ministere des femmes.
Prayer and Fasting/ Prière et jeûne
08:00am - 12:00pm
Last Friday of the month
Dernier vendredidu mois
8am-12pm Prayer Service/ Cri de Minui
Various group and choir rehearsal/ Repetition des groupes et chorale.
We have ample parking on our campus. When you get here our friendly greeters will be happy to answer your questions. They can direct you to our Welcome Area and assist you with where to check in with your children.
We are a multi-cultural church with Haitian Créole spoken as the primary language. We will soon be adding English and Spanish speaking services.